Love Is In The Stars

Charting Your Romantic Destiny

Don’t wait on fate… Discover the awesome power of Vedic astrology to reveal your romantic destiny through my free newsletter. Get regular horoscopes, celebrity celestial updates, and time tested love-inducing dating and relationship tips.


Calculate Your Own Vedic Astrology Chart and the Charts of Anybody in Your Life – It’s Easy, Accurate, and Now…It’s at Your Fingertips

Use the form below to create your Vedic Astrology chart and find out the positions of your Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising sign. Then, listen to my “Signs Of Compatibility” program to understand what it means and how to better your love life with this information (Don’t have Signs of Compatibility? Go here for more info)

Find out more about how Vedic astrology impacts YOU this year here.

What If There Was A Proven, Accurate, Centuries-Old Way To Quickly Determine If You And He Are Meant For A Healthy, Compatible Relationship, Or If Your Lives Together Will Be Fraught With Disappointment, Rejection, And Misery?


Stop needlessly wasting time on relationships that are impossible to fix, or on men who “might have been” the one for you. Instead, find out if you and the man in your life are truly compatible and a match blessed by the heavens in this incredibly accurate Compatibility “Right Man Report” – formerly only available to professional astrologers!

NOTE: We have a 30-day refund policy so if you’re not completely satisfied you may get a full refund within thirty days…
Are you wondering if you and the man in your life have what it takes to make it to “happily ever after…?”

Or do you continuously fall for men who will only lead you to “happily NEVER after…?”

Maybe you’ve just met someone who has potential, but you’re not sure…. Maybe you’re in a relationship and things are getting tough. Or maybe you can’t stop thinking about someone from your past.

As you try to figure out whether to pursue him or let him go, you’re probably asking yourself many of the following questions…

Are you the right emotional “fit” with the man in your life?

Will he ever “get” you? Will you get him? Or will you always be trying to share your feelings, with him having no idea of what you need or want?

Will things with him move forward in a way that makes you feel taken care of and loved, or will you always have to beg and “convince” him to do anything for the relationship?

Will he come closer to you with time, or pull away more and more?

Will the happy feelings you now have with him be able to last? Or do you have doubts that are “signs” that there’s more trouble to come?

Will you still be able to communicate with him in twenty years?

Will your love be strong enough to allow you to work through challenges as a team, or will the trials of life create insurmountable obstacles that come between you and tear you apart?

Are the problems you feel in your relationship “normal” and workable, or will they spiral into harder and harder challenges to deal with, leaving you unhappy and unsatisfied… will your love be just too much work to be healthy?

Is there a reason that a man from your past still haunts you? Could he have been “the one” for you, or do you need to finally release him and move on?

Is this relationship worth working on, or are you spinning your wheels and wasting your time, and missing out on opportunities to be really loved and fulfilled elsewhere?

Will he easily love and cherish you? Will you make him feel respected and admired, enabling you both to feel good and completely satisfied for the “long haul?”

Or is this relationship fated to fizzle over time, like so many do…

Do these questions sound familiar?

Any woman who has ever spent time with a man has asked herself these kinds of questions. As she’s spent time with him, listening and watching, she thinks:

“Is this guy worth it? Is he going to make me happy – or will he let me down?”

She can find out the partial answer to these questions after she observes him for a while, AFTER she’s potentially wasted time, energy and emotions figuring things out… And after she’s missed out on meeting other men who may have made her far happier.

Sometimes she spends several years trying to “make it work.” Sometimes she dismisses him quickly based on something she didn’t immediately like. And sometimes she marries him.

To that woman I say… STOP THE MADNESS!

There IS an easy way to find out if you and he are suited for one another and if your love is strong enough to “go the distance.”

You can quickly learn how you’ll make each other feel, and the best way to live and love together so you’re both genuinely satisfied, respected, fulfilled, and secure.

Your Compatibility With A Man And The Very Destiny Of Your Relationship Is Written In The Stars…
Ever since the dawn of time, people have been relying on astrology to help them navigate the uncertain waters of love.

For most of the world’s history, men and women didn’t “date” or have multiple partners over their lives.

They had just one shot at love, so they did everything they could to make it a success.

And the best, most reliable way they did this was by turning to their astrological charts.

In fact, marriages have been arranged in this way for thousands of years in India, with virtually no divorce… (Talk about pressure!)

That’s why, only until very modern times, the astrologer was one of the most respected, admired, and influential people of the community – because they set the course for love, and the happiness of an entire society rested upon their ability to translate the secrets of the stars into a good match here on earth.

And trust me, as someone who has studied and practiced astrology professionally for almost 20 years – accurately decoding and communicating the wisdom of the stars in no easy task.

But when done right… it’s the most powerful tool you can possibly use to ensure you have a loving, deeply satisfying and peaceful relationship.

When an astrologer reads your chart, he or she is able to uncover a TREMENDOUS amount about your relationship today, where it will be tomorrow, and WHY it makes you – and your partner – feel and act the way you do.

You can find out important things like:

  • If you feel passion or “chemistry” with a man, and if those feelings will last, or mislead you into staying in a relationship too long.
  • If you have the same sensibility – if you can agree on small things like what wallpaper to buy, and big things like your core values.
  • If you have an innate ability to understand each other and to meet each other’s needs, or if no matter what you do you’ll just feel frustrated.
  • If your man can handle you when you’re emotional – if he can reassure and comfort you when you’re upset, angry, or depressed, making you feel loved even when you’re not “perfect.”
  • If you’ll bring out each other’s best, and help you to become better than you already are – or if you amplify each other’s insecurities.
  • If you share a sense of purpose, or if over time you’ll drift further and further apart.
  • If you have that special “wow” or “zing” that will make you feel that “in love” feeling for life – and if he feels it, too.

Amazing, right?

I’ve literally read thousands of charts and seen them correctly reflect exactly what was happening in relationship after relationship, and had women of all ages and walks of life tell me what a comfort and relief this specific, and helpful this ancient knowledge can be…

But the most important part, the thing that gets me the most excited about helping people with their relationships isn’t just telling them with the stars say…

Interpreting What’s Written In The Stars To Create A Fulfilling, Passionate, Happy Love Life
A good astrologer can do more than tell you details about your relationship. They can tell you WHAT TO DO WITH THE INFORMATION.

It wouldn’t do you a whole lot of good to have someone give you insights into your relationship dynamics, and only pin-point its strong and weak points without telling you how to handle them.

Think about it – imagine if you were told, “Yeah, you and this guy communicate differently. Bummer. Good luck with that.”

What you’d really need is to be told how to WORK with your differences in communication so that it could be BETTER.

Otherwise, it would be like getting bad lab results from a doctor, with no prescription or cure.

Imagine if you had constant headaches, for example, and your blood work indicated an allergy to certain foods.

If your doctor said, “Your headaches are from food allergies,” you’d be relieved to know you didn’t have a brain tumor, but you’d still have headaches.

If he also said, “So stop eating wheat and corn and you’ll feel 100% better,” then you’d actually have a solution, and your headaches could go away…

You get where I’m going with this – all this information about your “love destiny” with a man is great – but the ONLY WAY to take the deck of cards you are given and turn it into a winning hand is through learning WHAT TO DO with the deck.

Do you stay or do you go?

Do you call up a lost love and try to reconnect with him?

If you’re torn between two lovers, which is the better choice?

Can you shift things with him to prevent more problems in the future?

What’s the best thing to do if he has a bad temper? How do you calm him down and not further trigger his issues?

Is there a way to get him to feel excited to do things for your relationship, and stop unknowingly doing things that take away his motivation?

Can you have an effective way to keep from becoming insecure and freaked out when things suddenly become “off” between you, and instead bring healing and closeness?

Can you help there to be a more even balance of power between you, so you feel like equals?

Clearly, to learn all of these things you need to make sure you’ve found the right source. That should be easy, right?

As Great As Compatibility Readings Are… Most Of Them Are DANGEROUSLY WRONG
If you’ve ever turned to astrology before, then you know there are tons of astrological sources out there that promise to tell you all about your relationship, and if you and your “special someone” are compatible.

Please beware – some of them are pretty compelling, yet some of them are utter nonsense.

I’ve been in the New Age world most of my life, and have been a professional astrologer since 1991, so I know what I’m talking about when it comes to astrology and compatibility.

I’ve read over one hundred astrology books and studied for more than a decade under some of the most acclaimed astrologers in the world.

I’ve given thousands of readings (the vast majority of which were about relationships) and even wrote a book, Love Is in the Stars, in the hopes that I could dispel a lot of misinformation about astrology, and could share little-known enlightening truths about astrology and relationships that can transform anyone’s love life for the better.

Here’s the thing – most sources dealing with astrological compatibility check to see if you have harmonious Sun signs and if there are any planetary “conjunctions” or “aspects” between your charts that are significant (a technique called “synastry”), and some of them even throw some numerology into the mix…

But this isn’t going deeply enough, isn’t focusing on what really matters, and isn’t scientifically valid!!

Don’t get me wrong, you might learn some valuable insights, and find some nuances that feel true for you, but it’s certainly not enough to help you to decide what to do with your relationship, and is usually no help at all as to how to improve things.

Here’s why:

Reason#1: Most Sources Are Based On The Wrong Information
Comparing your Sun sign to that of a specific man tells you next to nothing about your relationship, because Sun signs are not a reflection of how you or anyone else relate.

Sun signs influence behavior and how you present yourself to the world, but will have nothing to do with your emotional temperament.

In fact, if you want to know if you are fundamentally compatible with a man, you need to rely on an entirely different part of your chart. A part of your chart most astrologers don’t even know about!

Why is this so important? Well, the problem is your chart can seem like it goes really well with a man’s if your Sun signs are good together, and if your charts have positive “synastry,” creating great “connections” between your horoscopes.

But there’s something far more critical that comparing Sun signs and looking to synastry don’t address at all, and if this critical thing doesn’t work with him, then those positive connections won’t typically be enough to “carry the day…” and may actually further bind you to a man that’s wrong for you!

And, amazingly, you can be very happy with a man with whom your Sun sign doesn’t “go well” and with whom you have “bad” connections, if this critical thing is working for you…

In other words, relying solely on your Sun sign or simple “planet to planet” comparisons to determine your compatibility is a recipe for a love disaster!

Reason #2: Most Sources Aren’t Specific Enough
Did you know that your chart can be COMPLETELY different if you were born in the morning or born at night?

Or that where you were born can also completely change the chart?

It’s true. Your time of day and place of birth changes everything.

As crazy as it sounds, your compatibility with a man born on a certain day can be fantastic if he was born in the morning, but terrible if he was born in the afternoon, great if he born in the Northern Hemisphere, but lousy if he was born in the Southern – it’s that hair-splittingly sensitive!

So here’s the problem: Many sources only use birth dates when determining compatibility, therefore there are a whole lot of women making MAJOR decisions about their love lives… on incomplete or downright bad information!

Reason #3: Most Sources Don’t Focus on What REALLY Matters
Not only is it important that you focus on the right elements of your chart and that is accurate and specific enough to help you know WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON between you and a man…

But there’s something ELSE you need to know, and it’s the most important thing of all – the “critical thing” I mentioned above…
How you’ll feel together.

Because how you both FEEL (which is discovered by understanding and comparing the emotional/psychological make-up of your charts) is what REALLY determines the success – or challenge – of a relationship in the long term.

Think about it. How many times have you been told someone was “perfect” for you, only to meet them in person and want to run for the nearest exit before he had a chance to say, “Nice to meet you…”?

That’s because you and a man can have nothing in common “on paper” but still be completely at ease and comfortable together.

Conversely, you may have everything going for your relationship in terms of your resumes, and likes and dislikes, but not feel good together.

And there’s a technique that explains WHY.

A Better, More Accurate, Ancient Solution…
With all the MIS-information about compatibility out there, the consequences are very dangerous.

It’s common for people to get inaccurate data, act on it, and MISS OUT on what could be a great relationship.

Or worse, commit to someone who is totally wrong for them, and will only ultimately make them MISERABLE.

But now for the good news…

It IS POSSIBLE to get it right, and accurately find out if you and your man are a good “fit,” and what to do with that information.

I should know.

I’ve been using the complete, accurately interpreted technique for over ten years.

It’s the most detailed, comprehensive, specific proven astrological tool I’ve ever encountered in my almost twenty years as an astrologer. In fact, using it in my private practice is the single most fulfilling part about my job, and is the #1 reason I love astrology.

Armed with this technique using the astronomically correct calculations of this amazing system, I’ve been able to help women in over 5,000 private sessions interpret the wisdom of the stars to ensure their romantic happiness.

(Don’t believe me? – Check out some of their testimonials at the bottom of the page!)

This system ISN’T based on misleading information from comparing Sun signs, or mere “planet to planet” techniques.

It INCLUDES the specific, CRUCIAL information about birth place and time of day.

And it’s rooted in Vedic astrology – the ONLY system of astrology that has a compatibility technique that reveals how you and a man will actually FEEL in a relationship.

Vedic astrology is the system practiced in India, and is believed by scholars to be older and more astronomically accurate than the more well-known system of the West – Western or Tropical astrology. In fact, it is still used to arrange the majority of marriages of Hindus in India to this day.

The reason Vedic astrology is considered more astronomically accurate is that it calculates charts by using a different zodiac – which factors in a little something called “the precession of the equinoxes.”

The “precession” reflects the fact that the earth is spinning quickly like a top in one direction, while wobbling slightly in another… This makes it so that the earth slowly loses its position in relation to the star signs.

It’s a slow process, but over a 72 year period we’ve shifted backward by a whole day.

Over the centuries, this has caused the Vedic system’s calculations to shift backward almost an entire sign in relation to the calculations of the Western system, which do not incorporate this “precession” issue into their calculations…. Making Vedic charts MORE ACCURATE in determining compatibility.

Don’t believe me? If you consult a Western astrologer and she tells you the current positions of the planets in the different signs of the zodiac, most of the time they will actually be an entire sign behind.

If she says, “Venus is in Sagittarius,” for example, you can look with your naked eye to the night sky and you won’t find Venus in the constellation of Sagittarius at all…

It will be in Scorpio, because the skies have shifted due to the earth’s wobble.

This, therefore, changes your compatibility with a man in ways that may be vital to your happiness!

Now You Can Get A Personalized Reading From An Experienced Astrologer… Without Spending A Ton Of Money Or Leaving Home!
Now that you’ve seen the power of a compatibility reading by a knowledgeable, experienced Vedic astrologer who uses the most astronomically accurate calculations to create your chart and that of a man in your life, you may be wondering…

How do I get this information for ME and MY MAN?

Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, an astrologer no longer needs to meticulously calculate your horoscope by hand (which, believe me, used to take astrologers hours and hours, causing them to easily make tons of mistakes…).

Now a computer program can do the calculating in a matter of minutes.

Seriously – it can generate 729 different combinations that make you and your man unique. A professional like myself will then take the combination you form and interpret what it all means in your relationship.

But here’s the exciting part…

While it’s great to spend private time with a personal astrologer if you have hundreds of dollars and tons of time for all the guidance and insight…

Now, with my “Right Man Reports,” you don’t need an astrologer at all – not even me!

Here’s How It Works

It doesn’t take an astrologer to tell you that finding out if he’s the “right man” for you is easier than you think!

When you click on the order button below, you’ll go to my secure order page for your credit card information. Your order information is transmitted using the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure complete and total privacy and security.

Once you complete your order, you’ll immediately receive an email with a link asking you to enter your birth information and that of the person you’re wondering about, and this will enable you to instantly get your report.

You’ll have 30 full days to try it out before you have to decide if it’s for you… If for any reason, you decide it’s not for you, simply let me know (and KEEP the report!) and I’ll give you a full refund. And because I want as many women as possible to benefit from the insights contained in this report, I’ve priced it at just $19.97 per report.

Going to an astrologer for this kind of information normally costs 5 times as much!

It’s that easy! With this report, you will find out how compatible you are, why you feel the way you do when you are together, and if your relationship would be a positive, fulfilling one in the future. It’s a no brainer!

Credit And Debit Cards And Paypal Accepted

“My husband and I are very different – we were nothing like what we both expected to end up with. We have different backgrounds, eating habits, lifestyles, education levels – the works. But we got along so well, that I couldn’t seem to let him go, but I couldn’t commit to him either. Carol told me we had some of the best compatibility she’d ever seen, and helped me to feel confident that we could have a good life together despite our differences ‘on paper’. We’ve been married ten years now and I can’t imagine ever having found someone better for me.” C.T., Massage Therapist, Berkeley, CA

“Hi Carol! I’m so happy to say that I have found love and married, after ten years of being single! I have followed you for years, relying heavily on the “Right Man Reports”… My new husband was the very first man to be exactly on the “same page” in life as I am, as well as compatible nearly 100%! We are so happy, just married on June 21st! I just want to THANK YOU, from my heart, for all your wonderful advice through the past ten years. I am 61 years old and have never been so in love. I have trusted your advice and it does work! Thanks again,” K.W., Melbourne, Fla.

“Thank you so much for my Right Man Report, it is so much more positive than I could have hoped. My partner and I have been through a difficult time and are slowly coming into a better understanding of each other. The issues raised in the Right Man Report, which I am so pleased to see are not major, are already being addressed.” Karen E., Lansing, MI.

“Wow – I looked at the report. Sooooo much was right on the money. Even some of it was word for word what my partner has told me in emails and conversation…” S.T

“I don’t hit date #3 without checking ‘The Right Man Report.’ It gives me the inside scoop on my potential ‘Mr. Wonderful.’ It’s the bomb!” Rhonda Britten, Emmy-Winning Life Coach and best-selling author of Fearless Living